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Intestate Estates


The Bona Vacantia Division (BVD) of the Crown has taken possession of the Intestate Estates of those who died without a legal Will (ie unsigned, or unwitnessed); or who died without making a Will, so it is not known how they wanted their estate distributed.


According to the Rules of Intestacy, which are the strict inheritance laws of England and Wales, we will trace the heirs. The Estate will then be distributed by a solicitor. 


The BVD does not publish, or disclose the value of a particular estate and will only release that information to a successful claimant, or their representative.


The legal process takes at least a year before  the appointed representative obtains a Grant of Probate, or Letters of Administration, to the payment of the inheritance.


Fees: 20% of the Intestate Estate

Inclusive of supporting evidence (birth, death, marriage certificates, Wills, etc), preparation and presentation to the Government Legal Department, formerly known as the Treasury Solicitor’s Department. 



Why have we contacted you?


We believe that you, or a person close to you, may be legally entitled to a share of an estate. 


It is important that you promptly respond to our letter, as, in many cases, time is of the essence, as estates become forfeit to the Crown after a certain period. 


Remember to quote your reference number when speaking to us, or on all correspondence.


We would like to reassure you that there is absolutely no personal cost to you, or an heir. We will always behave with sensitivity and discretion when conducting our research.


If you haven’t already done so, then please consider making a Will, as your estate will always go to the person, or persons whom you choose, rather than a distant relative, whom you may not like, or even know.


Probate Researchers

On behalf of solicitors, we trace missing beneficiaries of a Will, whose whereabouts are unknown. 








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